All about Moon Water + How to Make it ☾
Emma Belliveau • March 16, 2023

Moon water is a type of water that is charged with the energy of the moon. It is a popular component in many spiritual and magical practices and is believed to have ethereal, divine, and energetic properties. Here is how to make moon water:

  1. Choose a container: You can use any container that is safe for holding water. Glass jars or bottles are a popular choice.

  2. Fill the container with water: Use either tap water or natural spring water. Make sure the container is filled to the top.

  3. Choose the phase of the moon: The phase of the moon can influence the energy of the moon water. Here are some common associations:
  • New moon: For new beginnings, setting intentions, and starting new projects.
  • Waxing moon: For growth, abundance, and manifesting desires.
  • Full moon: For heightened intuition, spiritual connection, and manifestation.
  • Waning moon: For releasing negativity, banishing bad habits, and letting go.

  1. Place the container under the moonlight: Set the container of water outside under the moonlight, or if that is not accessible, leaving the water near a window near the moonlight works too. 

  2. Allow the water to charge overnight: Leave the container outside overnight, or by moonlight, allowing the water to soak up the energy of the moon.

  3. Retrieve the water: In the morning, retrieve the container of water. Thank the moon for its energy and use the water in your spiritual or magical practices.

Moon water can be used for a variety of purposes, including cleansing and purifying crystals, as an offering to the divine, growing plants, using it in cooking, or as a tool for manifestation. It is important to remember that moon water is infused with the energy of the moon and should be used with intention and respect. When you use up all your moon water, you can make another batch next full moon or the next moon phase of your choice.


By Emma Belliveau August 4, 2023
Table of Contents What is Hapé The process of making Hapé The physical, mental, & spiritual benefits of using Hapé Ways to take Hapé Tips & Tricks What is Hapé? - Rapé (hapé) is a blend of medicinal plants, herbs, leaves, trees, resin, minerals, and seeds from native lands ,and usually complimented with tobacco (Nicotiana rustics, Machapo). This tobacco has 9x the amount of nicotine than the cigarettes that are lit around the world. This plant medicine/shamanic snuff is foraged in the Amazon forest by the Natives. These ingredients are grounded finely into a aromatic powder, and this powder has properties that can benefit the physical, emotional, & spiritual bodies on a energetic level. On a chemical level, the nicotine content of rapé releases neurotransmitters including epinephrine, dopamine and acetylcholine which supports all of its properties. How Hapé is made - The process to make Hapé is usually done in a ceremonial context. From foraging the plants, to cooking and drying them, to then processing the Hapé. “Traditionally, the person making the Rapé blend needs to be a experienced Shaman with thorough knowledge about the medicinal plants of the forest. The shaman also needs to know precisely which part of the plant can be used. For example, the root bark of the plant can have a different purpose and effect than the leaves or the seeds of the same plant.” -the modern shamanic guide to rapé. These plants are chosen for their medicinal properties and significance to the tribes culture, each ingredient and recipe is different for each tribe, making the energy of the Hapé unique and different! The process of making this medicine can take weeks to make. The herbs are sun dried or toasted multiple times, and then grounded into a fine powder before being mixed in with the other ingredients when it comes down to the final batch. Before proceeding further, the leader conducting this ceremony may perform a energetic blessing and set intentions for the Hapé making process. When it’s time for the powder to be blended into other herbs and additional ingredients the tribe may want to add, the tribe takes the time to enhance the energy and spirit of the plants by praying, chanting, or singing sacred songs. In the past, only the Shaman of the tribe (known as the paje) was authorized to create Hapé. However, nowadays, the majority of the tribe takes part in making this sacred medicine during a ceremonial gathering. Recently, the tribes have started sharing their sacred medicine with outsiders, imparting the knowledge and use of Hapé to non-indigenous individuals. The sacred art of crafting Hapé is usually learned through a lengthy apprenticeship that spans several years. This is due to the intricate nature of creating various Hapé blends, which involves harvesting and preparing different plants. Additionally, the process may entail extended periods of special dietary practices to gain insights from the plants, in addition to ceremonial "feitio" sessions for medicine-making. Achieving mastery in this art requires comprehensive understanding of the plants and their preparation techniques, a refined appreciation of flavor and effects of the blend, and the skill to consistently replicate these qualities in every batch. Today, Hapé enthusiasts can be found across the Amazon, Brazil, and worldwide. Non-indigenous Hapé makers are also advancing the art by integrating modern standards in production, storage, and creating innovative blends. However, the secret compositions of many blends still remain a secret by the local tribes. The physical, mental, & spiritual benefits of using Hapé - Physical; Helps detoxify the body Helps energy flow throughout the body (physical) Enhances blood flow to the brain and releases neurotransmitters Cleanses ones body from mucus, bacteria, & toxins Relieves physical tension & pain Helps balance both sides of the brain Helps focus and clear the mind Can help people with addictions Helps clear confusion & mental fog Used as an analgesic & narcotic substance that eases fatigue, pain, hunger, & thirst Defense against insects Mental/Emotional; Helps one go into their body Grounding energy Helps to balance, understand, & work through emotions Aids in anxiety & depression Relaxing & calming energy while still being alert & awake Spiritual; Cleanses & clears ones energy field Intensifies our connection with the Earth & the Universe Helps energy flow throughout the body (spiritual) Known to stimulate & de-calcify the pineal gland (Third Eye) Connects you to the sacred medicine & its healing Depending on the blend, this medicine can help with dreamwork Cleanses & aligns the Chakras Can connect one to the energy of the Universe, the divine, higher self, the cosmos, & spirits Ways to take Hapé - Hapé is typically administered using bamboo or bone pipes. The first type of pipe involves another person blowing the snuff into each nostril of the recipient, and is commonly referred to as the blow pipe or "tepi" in Brazil. Alternatively, a self-applicator pipe called a kuripe can be used to administer Hapé to oneself. The kuripe is a small V-shaped pipe that connects the mouth to the nostril, allowing for self-administration. Lots of people generally suggest starting with a half pea-sized amount of Hapé for beginners, and increasing the dosage after prolonged use of one type of Hapé. However, everyone has different tolerance levels, so some people may require larger doses while others may require smaller ones. It's important to experiment to determine what works best for you personally. The Brazilian Yawanawa Tribe has identified three different ways to blow Hapé: Short and strong: to awaken and become present Long and strong: to cleanse the mind and spirit Long, starting softly and ending strongly: for meditation, entering into a trance, or ceremonial use Tips & what to expect while taking Hapé - If you think you aster going to be thirsty after, drink water before hand because anything you drink after you preform Hapé will taste like Hapé DO YOUR RESEARCH!! I can’t say this enough. If you are someone who is addicted to nicotine or tobacco, take caution. Don’t misuse this medicine. It is for healing purposes, not for a quick buzz. After taking Hapé, your nose will start running, your throat will clear out, your eyes will water, your sinuses will be cleared out completely, so keep tissues near you. Make sure your friends and family know what you are doing so they don’t interrupt you. Lean forward and avoid tilting your head back. Otherwise, the mucus filled with Hapé will start back dripping down your sinuses. Hapé should always be worked with in a sacred environment. It is recommended to preform Hapé outside to connect to the Earth, the medicine, & the Universe, but preforming Hapé inside in a vibey, safe room is perfect too. Always blow up the left nostril first, then the right. You might purge, and that is okay, that is what your body needs at that time. When starting Hapé, start by taking a small dose and working your way up when you connect with the plant.
How to Radiate Divine Feminine Energy
By Emma Belliveau June 14, 2023
Masculine and feminine energy are a divine spiritual energy that exists in every one of us, regardless of gender or sexuality. All of us have a mix of both energies, some more than others!
By Emma Belliveau June 14, 2023
Angel numbers are a repetitive or predictable sequence or pattern of numbers, like 111, 777, 222, 4545, or 321. These sequences are signs/connections from the Universe, angels, guides, whichever you vibe with. Angel numbers, synchronicities, numerology, and astrology are all interconnected. Since I was younger, I always saw 11:11, 222, 12:12 on clocks, drivers license, signs, likes on social media platforms, etc. I saw these numbers everywhere, and I just thought it was a coincidence. I never knew these numbers meant anything until I studied them later on in life. Let me let you in on a secret, nothing is ever a coincidence! The word we are looking for is “synchronicity” - “the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection." Angel Number Meanings 000 - You are one with the Universe, the cosmos, guides, realms, ethereal beings. 111 - Your thoughts create your reality, manifestations are being delivered, or created. Focus on your spiritual self at this time. Number 111 is a powerful number of manifesting and manifestation, and carries the combined energies of number 1 and the karmic Master Number 11. This number assist you with serving your spiritual life purpose and soul mission. 222 - you are in alignment with the universe and manifestations, you are on the right track! 333 - The message of Angel Number 333 is to align with the Universal Energies. Angels, spirit guides, ethereal beings are working with you on all levels. They love, guide and protect you. 444 - You are protected by ethereal beings. No need to have anxieties, fear, or stressors. Everything is well, everything is as it should be. 555 - is a message from the Universe that you are either going though huge changes, or about too! 666 - This angel number is all about reflection. Reflect on you, inside and out. Raise your vibration and energy. 777 - Expect luck and miracles in ones life! The Universe is on your side. 888 - The universe gifts you with abundance. Money is flowing to you! 999 - This is a message from the Universe signifying the end of a chapter in one's life. Time to flip to the next chapter and begin again. 123 - Learn to let go of things in your life that don't serve you. Growth starts from getting rid of things that are holding you back from growing.
By Emma Belliveau June 14, 2023
Through social media and our generation's awakening, I'm sure you have heard of manifestation and co-creation with the Universe. Manifestation is the act of bringing something into your life through energy, attraction, and belief. If you think it, it will come. Manifesting is making everything you want to feel and experience a reality through your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and emotions. Tips and tricks for Manifesting ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚ ✧ The first tip for manifestation is to believe in the Universe and manifestation 110%. Do your research on manifesting, watch some success stories, get in touch with the ethereal energy of the Universe, and really dig deep into this topic. The more you get used to the idea of manifesting, the more you start to believe it because it is real! Some people have a hard time manifesting because they aren't really in touch with the Universe, and that is okay. Sometimes it seems too magical to wrap your head around. But that moment when you get to co-create and manifest with the Universe, you will never think the same way about manifestation! ✧ The second tip is to be super clear on what you want to manifest. This could be anything. This could be manifesting a soulmate, manifesting your dream house, manifesting a job or a friend, manifesting money. This could be anything you want. To get what you want, you have to know exactly what it is that you want. Get really specific about where your desired outcome is. ✧ The third tip to manifesting is to raise your vibration and energy. Everything in the Universe is made of energy and the vibration of molecules that are constantly colliding with one another. To raise your vibration, it's important that your attitude, thoughts, actions, and behavior are all aligned with your ultimate goal or desire. The energy that you put into everything you do must be consistent and in line with your manifestation plan. Some ways to raise your vibration are to meditate, spend time in nature, use elevating crystals, get enough sleep, do an energy cleanse, listen to binaural beats and frequencies, etc. When your vibration aligns with your manifestation, that's when the magic happens. The fourth tip for manifestation is about ways to manifest. ⬇⬇⬇ Different Ways To Manifest ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡ ✧ The first way to manifest is to make a vision board. A vision board is a dream board or a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of one's dreams and desires. It's designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. When you make a vision board, it's a display that can constantly remind you why and what you do, what you do every day. It's a visualization of everything you want to be, do, and have in the future. When you're manifesting, your vision board can actually help you visualize things better when you have that collage of pictures and affirmations laid out in front of you. ✧ The next way to manifest is the 369 method. The 369 method is a ritual and law of attraction technique that helps you attract what you want into your reality. This can be anything - a job, money, happiness. To use this method, simply write down your desired outcome three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times at night. Repeat these steps for around 33 to 45 days in a row and then let it go. There are other variations of this method, but this is said to be the most effective. The ritual was inspired by Nikola Tesla, a famous inventor from the 1800s. He discovered that when you study circles, it adds up to 360 degrees, and no matter how many times you divide that circle, it will always leave you with the numbers three, six, and nine. He also found that the same pattern of numbers throughout later discoveries, which made him believe that they held more of a significant power. By using the power of Tesla's numbers alongside the law of attraction, this is a super powerful manifestation ritual. To use the 369 method, first, pick your desire. Be specific! Next, choose your affirmation. Write down your desire as an affirmation, a mantra that clearly states what you want from the Universe. Use "I am" statements to speak as if you already have it. Examples include "I am financially free and abundant," "My wallet is always packed with cash," and "I am a millionaire." If you're manifesting money, specify exactly how much you want, such as "My wallet has $100,000 in it." Do this for 33-45 days in a row, 3 times daily and see how your life changes! ✧ The next tool is affirmations. Affirmations are a powerful tool for manifestation. They are positive statements that help to reprogram the subconscious mind and align our thoughts and actions with our deepest desires, manifestations, and dreams. When we repeat affirmations, we are essentially telling our brain what we want to believe, and as a result, our brain begins to look for evidence to support that belief. This is known as the confirmation bias, where our brains selectively process information that confirms our beliefs and ignore information that contradicts them. Studies have shown that affirmations can have a positive impact on our mental health and well-being. One study found that affirmations can increase self-esteem and decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety (Wood et al., 2009). Another study found that affirmations can improve problem-solving skills and increase motivation (Cascio et al., 2015). So, if you want to manifest money, for example, you can create affirmations that focus on abundance and financial prosperity. You can repeat these affirmations while meditating, writing them down, or listening to them on repeat. By doing this, you are training your brain to focus on the energy of abundance and attract more financial opportunities into your life. References; Cascio, C. N., O'Donnell, M. B., Tinney, F. J., Lieberman, M. D., Taylor, S. E., & Strecher, V. J. (2015). Self-affirmation activates brain systems associated with self-related processing and reward and is reinforced by future orientation. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 11(4), 621-629. Wood, J. V., Perunovic, W. Q. E., & Lee, J. W. (2009). Positive self-statements: Power for some, peril for others. Psychological science, 20(7), 860-866. ✧ The next tool for manifestation is visualization, which is the method I use most often. With practice, I've become adept at visualizing and manifesting on my own. However, I initially used guided meditations and visualizations on YouTube. These sessions guide you through a manifestation process using visualization, without any other techniques. You only need your brain for this form of meditation, which usually lasts 10 to 20 minutes. I practice this once in the morning and once at night for a few consecutive days before letting the manifestation go! If you use visualization, affirmations, or meditation to help with manifestation, consider adding crystals to your practice. Some crystals can be particularly helpful for manifestation! Pyrite, Citrine, and Malachite for money and success. Rose Quartz, Pink Amethyst, and Kunzite for love. Clear Quartz and Amethyst for health. Selenite, and Clear Quartz for dreams and desires. Apophyllite, Chariote, and Rainbow Moonstone for spiritual awakening. You can place these crystals in your home or near you while you're manifesting, you can create a crystal grid, or wear them as jewelry and set your intention to that crystal. Communicate with the crystal and tell it what you're manifesting, it will help your manifestations flourish as you work with it! ✧ Hypnosis can be used as a faster way of manifestation. It involves being in a more relaxed and in a theta like state. There are different types of hypnosis, including being hypnotized by a hypnotherapist (either in person or through an audio recording) or doing self-hypnosis. With self-hypnosis, you ease yourself into hypnosis. Hypnosis is a perfect tool for reprogramming your subconsciousness. It can help you solve an abundance block, adopt new habits, and gain deeper access to your subconscious mind, and when you do that, it’s easier to manifest! ✧ The last tip is letting go after you manifest something. Letting it go means going on about your daily life without having to worry about a single thing, because you trust in the Universe and that your desires will manifest in divine timing. Don’t think about how your package from the Universe hasn’t delivered yet, be patient with her, she is crafting your manifestation and giving it to you in divine timing! Reasons Why Your Manifestations Aren't Arriving ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡ ✧ It’s possible that something better is on its way. For example, if you're trying to manifest your dream house and visit a few houses that seem great, but not quite perfect, the universe might be testing your waters and helping you realize what you don't want. In this case, it's better to wait for your perfect house to come, which you will manifest. ✧ It might be the right manifestation, but the wrong time to receive it. Divine timing plays a huge part in our life's journey, and there are times where you might look back and realize that something did and didn't happen for a reason. ✧ You might not be specific enough in your manifestation. When manifesting, it's important to be specific about what you want. For example, if you're manifesting love, start by focusing on the qualities and personalities of the person you want to attract. ✧ You are holding on too tight to the manifestation. This can create desperate energy. Instead, set the intention, manifest it and release it to the universe. ✧ If you don't fully believe in the universe and manifestation, it's unlikely that your manifestations will come to fruition, like I stated in the beginning of this post!
By Emma Belliveau May 30, 2023
Energy that is Elevated is so Magnetic! 1.) Get to know your own energy, explore it, be one with it. Get to know what elevates you, and notice what drains you. This could be people, places, and things. Make a mental note and think about your energy and what it craves in life. 2.) Crystals can help elevate your energy when you work with them. Each crystal has a specific benefit, and some help with elevating ones energy, like sunstone, chariote, clear quartz, rainbow moonstone, rose quartz, etc… You can wear these crystals, mediate with them, talk to them, keep them in your car or bag, pair them with other crystals, make a crystal grid, there are so many ways to use crystals to rejuvenate and elevate your energy. 3.) Indulging in reading and incorporating knowledge can elevate your energy. Reading spiritual, science, or self help books and consuming all of that knowledge is like food for the brain and body. Click here to explore some books that I reccommend - 4.) Connection with nature. Connect with the earth beneath you, the feeling of the temperature on your skin, cuddle the animals that the earth had provided for you, the sun and the moon and the stars, the scenery, the bodies of water and oceanic life. 5.) By regularly purifying your body through practices like utilizing crystals, plants, natural elements such as palo santo and incense, and even moon water, you can raise your vibration. These practices can cleanse your chakras, aura, energy body, and more, allowing you to elevate your overall spiritual energy. 6.) Meditation raises your vibration by fostering present-moment awareness, harmonizing energy, creating inner balance, connecting to universal energy, and setting positive intentions. Consistent practice amplifies these effects, gradually elevating your overall vibration. 7.) Understanding your human design can significantly elevate your energy as it helps you achieve a greater sense of self-awareness and clarity about your purpose and direction in life. Human design is a system that blends astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to describe your unique energetic blueprint and life purpose. Click here to find out which human design you are - myhumandesign.com 8.) Moving away from societal norms and recognizing that there is more to this planet than just work, sex, gender roles, conflict, drugs, negativity, greasy food, and the 9-5 grind can help elevate your energy and vibration. 9.) Letting the planets guide you is another way to elevate your energy. Connecting with the planet's guidance enhances your energy by aligning you with its rhythms and vibrations. Embracing nature's healing elements rejuvenates your energy, heightens intuition, and nourishes your well-being. You can let the planets guide you through mediation, being in nature, studying astrology, indulging in rituals and practices, and journaling! 10.) Listening to binaural beats or healing frequencies can have an impact on our bodies. These sounds can affect the way water moves and vibrates, creating energy that can be felt by those close to them. Considering that our bodies are made up of approximately 90% water, it makes sense that these sounds could affect us on a fundamental level. By tuning in to these sounds, we may be able to experience a sense of relaxation, elevation, and promote healing within ourselves. 11.) List out energy vampires and energy givers in your life. Energy vampires are things and people who suck the life out of you, which we want to avoid. Energy givers are things that elevate your energy, like self care, traveling, positive people, laughing, mediation, nutrition, quality sleep, pets etc… 12.) To enhance your mental well-being, boost your energy, and elevate your overall vibration, it is advisable to limit your daily interaction with electronics. Unless it is required for your job, endeavor to abstain from using electronic devices both before and after work. This practice not only helps reduce your exposure to electromagnetic radiation and smog but also promotes a healthier state of mind, and elevates one’s energy and vibration! 13.) Move your body at least once a day, even if it's just low-key movement. You can work out and move your body in any way you like, whether that's going to the gym, lifting weights, doing cardio, taking a walk, running, doing pilates or yoga, stretching, riding a bike, and so on. Moving the body boosts serotonin levels, which raises your frequency and vibration. Photo from Tumblr (southernmost13)
Different Ways to do Shadow Work
By Emma Belliveau March 23, 2023
Different Ways to do Shadow Work: Mediation, Therapy (Psychotherapy), Journaling, Affirmations
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